Areas of activity

Objectives of the activities of the Representative office:

  • To assist in the implementation of the State’s economic policy in the areas of export, investment, inbound tourism, innovation and technological cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the assigned issues), with priority given to activities focused on priority sectors for export and investment attraction: biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, advanced manufacturing, semiconductors, information and communication technologies.
  • To promote the export of Lithuanian goods and services to the location, inbound tourism to the Republic of Lithuania, cooperation in the field of research, experimental development and innovation, attract investment to the Lithuanian economy, and protect Lithuanian economic interests in the location.
  • Develop economic cooperation.
  • To defend the economic interests of the Republic of Lithuania, enterprises and other legal entities within the scope of its competence.
  • To implement, within its competence, other tasks of the economic policy of the Republic of Lithuania related to exports, investment, inbound tourism, innovation and technological cooperation.

The Representative office shall perform the following functions in pursuit of the objectives set for its activities:

  • Cooperate locally with representatives of the European Union institutions, other countries or international organisations on issues assigned to the Ministry, with a view to promoting exports, investments, inbound tourism, innovation and technological cooperation, participate in meetings where economic and trade issues and business problems are discussed.
  • Receive, collect and transmit to the Ministry and, where appropriate, to other public institutions and bodies, information, data on the economic situation and major events in the locality.
  • Cooperate and develop contacts with representatives of the Republic of Lithuania and the place of residence, as well as representatives of other countries or international organisations, in order to assist Lithuanian state institutions and bodies, associated business structures to establish and maintain contacts with local institutions and bodies, associated business structures.
  • Maintain contacts with local business and public organisations, media representatives, make proposals on the organisation of and participation in visits and meetings of representatives of Lithuanian state institutions and bodies, business delegations, prepare and provide the Ministry, other Lithuanian institutions and bodies, and stakeholders with memoranda of these visits and meetings.
  • Cooperate with subordinate institutions of the Ministry, other state institutions and bodies of the Republic of Lithuania, associated business structures.
  • Provide consultancy and organisational assistance in the search for potential partners and investors in the fields of trade, innovation and technology cooperation, inbound tourism to the Republic of Lithuania, and in the participation in on-site events to present Lithuania’s export, investment, tourism and innovation potential.
  • Participate in economic events taking place in the place of stay, where there are opportunities to present Lithuania’s economic achievements, assist Lithuanian exporters and local economic operators interested in importing Lithuanian goods to obtain contact details of potential partners in accordance with the interests and criteria identified by them, respond to enquiries of Lithuanian economic operators concerning the possibility and conditions for the development of commercial activities in the market of the place of stay, or indicate the sources of obtaining such information, data, according to the competences and capabilities.
  • Analyse the changes in the trade of the location and the impact of trade on the economic development of the Republic of Lithuania and provide economic information and data on the location once a month by e-mail [email protected] by filling in the form of the Summary of Current Economic Information. The economic information includes:
    • Macroeconomic data, economic policy decisions that may affect economic cooperation, local exchange rates;
    • Information, data on trade conditions (import and export procedures, customs valuation of goods, standards, sanitary and phytosanitary requirements), changes in the trade regime, as well as on-going negotiations affecting trade conditions, concluded free trade, investment promotion and protection and other agreements related to trade, market access barriers;
    • Information, data on meetings, events of economic nature relevant to the Republic of Lithuania at the place of stay;
    • Information, data on economic entities, funds and natural persons that could potentially invest in Lithuania;
    • Information, data on exhibitions relevant to the development of the Lithuanian economy and exporters held in the place of stay;
    • Information, data on international public procurement tenders and conditions for participation in them;
    • Information, data on locally operating associated business structures, branch business organisations, trade agents, distributors, representatives of trade networks, other economic entities, potential partners of Lithuanian exporters, as well as information, data on the methods and sources of verification of the reliability of economic entities.
  • Provide the Minister or his/her authorised person with proposals on economic actions in maintaining and/or developing relations with local representatives and on the organisation and implementation of the objectives and functions set for the Representation.
  • Cooperate with the staff of the representative offices of other countries and international organisations operating in the place of residence, use their experience and contacts in state institutions, bodies and business environment in organising various economic events, searching for potential partners for economic cooperation and disseminating information and data on the Lithuanian economy.
  • Disseminate information, data on the Lithuanian economy, business environment, export potential, achievements in the field of research, experimental development and innovation, economic interests in the place of location, investment and tourism opportunities in Lithuania, important economic events, international exhibitions and international public procurement tenders in Lithuania, and other information, data of an economic nature, to the local institutions, bodies, associated business structures, mass media and economic entities.
  • The Minister may entrust the Representative office with other functions consistent with its objectives.

Prevention of corruption


There are no publicly available provisions, except to mention the following:
12 December 1997. Decree of The Government No. 1407 „On Approval of the Provisions of the Special Attaché of the Republic of Lithuania”, reference

Planning documents

Personal data protection

The Ministry of the Economy and Innovation shall only process the personal data of the data subject in a lawful, fair and transparent manner: 1) with the consent of the data subject; 2) where the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation is obliged to process the personal data by the relevant legislation; 3) in the exercise of the public authority functions conferred on the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation; 4) where the processing of the personal data is necessary for the protection of a legitimate interest of the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation (unless the data subject’s interest or fundamental rights and freedoms, which require protection of the personal data, are overridden by the interests of the data subject).
Documents containing personal data shall be stored in accordance with the established time limits, in accordance with the Law on Documents and Archives of the Republic of Lithuania, the Index of General Time Limits for the Storage of Documents approved by the Order of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania of 9 March 2011 No. V-100 ‘On the Approval of the Index of General Time Limits for the Storage of Documents’ and the Documentation Plan approved by the Ministry. Documents containing personal data shall be destroyed at the end of the storage period.


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